All About New Hope

God spoke to Pastor Thomas in the early 1980’s; and told him that it was time to step out and start a church and that He was sending him and First Lady Shirley 2 by 2 and to name it New Hope. Sunday May 17,1981 was the first service held at 2230 Mock Road, Columbus Ohio. New Hope was started with about 6 different families.

New Hope held Sunday School, Sunday Morning Service, and Thursday Evening Prayer and Bible Study. First Lady Shirley was led by the Lord to start a choir. She would personally drive to pick up each member who shared her desire to sing praises, and this started the New Hope Choir. First Lady along with several members would also go door to door inviting others to worship on Sunday mornings

Very soon they filled the church and needed a larger and better building. They moved to the current location at 380 Gilbert Street. Services were being held in the upper portion of the building. Because the stairs were difficult for some members, so they decided to remodel the lower level into a sanctuary. Reverend Thomas Martin single-handedly handled the entire remodeling project. When it was complete, the sanctuary was BEAUTIFUL. 

After this New Hope hosted Weddings, and many of our church District Union meetings.

New Hope Pentecostal Church became a part of the Northwestern District of the United Holy Church organization in the later 1980’s. As part of the body Pastor Thomas held several positions: Akron District Union Vice President, President, and a member of the Board of Presbyterian.

New Hope continued to grow, reaching just over 200 members. There were several ministries maintained, such as Missionary Department, Youth Department, Several Choirs, Men’s Groups, Women’s Groups, Outreach Department, and Revivals.

In early 2016 Pastor Thomas’ health began to decline. God spoke to his second son and called him back home. Elder Clarence Thomas Jr. stepped down as the Pastor of Mt. Ebal UHC in Hamilton, Ohio of 15 years to return to New Hope. 5 years later Pastor Thomas Sr. passed away on January 29, 2021. Elder Clarence Thomas Jr. was installed as Pastor on July 24, 2021

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